Medical Billing. Freelance job vacancy. Work in Internet. Real freelance job vacancies, remote work, and home business opportunity. Work at home Earn part time or full time income in your spare time working from your home with your computer.. Internet work at home. Freelance job vacancy. Fair work, freelance job vacancies, work at home, home business ideas  
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Job vacancy: Online Medical Billing

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Section: Other freelance job vacancies
Specialization: Online Medical Billing
Available till: 2007-06-20
Wages: $6000-$8000

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Earn part time or full time income in your spare time working from your home with your computer.Start medical billing job with a health care company.Here,is an opportunity to exhibit your basic computer knowedge,typing speed,knowedge on medical terminology,preparation of invoices,CPT/ ICD-9 codes etc.Earn working from home and certainly it will be beyond your expectation


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