System administrator, mathematician and programmer in one person. Freelancer resume. Work at home search. Freelance job seek.. Real freelance job vacancies, remote work, and home business opportunity. Work at home System administrator, mathematician and programmer in one person is looking for the additional distant work with payment by the agreement.. Freelancer resume. Freelance job search. Work at home seek.. Fair work, freelance job vacancies, work at home, home business ideas  
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Freelancer resume: programmer, mathematician

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Section: Freelance programmers and web programmers resumes
Specialization: programmer, mathematician
Experience: 10 years
Age: 29 years
Sex: Male
Foreign languages: english, polish

Contact info:

First, Last name: Sasha

Full description:


Shells for the real-time systems based on RS-232 or LPT ports (radars,
controllers, oscilloscopes, warheads and the similar).
The data analysis and the developing of math models (in particualr,
the spectral analysis of seismograms (FFT)). Some games (mostly puzzles).
A system administrator
(the standard duties, the network adjustment, virus hunting
(including the viruses not seen by the current antivirus software).
Programs on Delphi, Pascal, MathCad, Statistica. The work with graphic files
on a low level (ripping, format converting).


PhD in Mathematics. Papers on topology, algebra and combinatorics.
Some years have prepared the command of the schoolboys for the republican
math competitions in Ukraine.
I can be a remote teacher or tutor. I can develop
algorithms and math models, and write the programs for their realization.
I can write diploma papers, control papers. I can write a PhD
thesis, but of course it takes a lot of time and is expensive.

Now I'm working as the younger scientific employee. Also I'm
working as the programmer of real time systems and system manager.
I'm seeking for the additional distant work, payment by the agreement.


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